Friday 19 November 2010

Trouble with my Wiki Posts

I Had difficult and frustrating time with my mid semester course work for all week. I requested help from tutor and colleagues but I did not get any reply what so ever. The only thing that I could think of is to post it on my Blog but it is really annoying to have the work done and not been able to share it with others for comments or simply be able to comment on others as well. I felt really lonely for a while! However, I managed to sort things out on Friday with David.

Image from google gallery

Last weeks lecture on Coorporation and Coordination was very interesting and a bit difficult to grasp at first but if you manage to understand it then you get to see the interesting side of it. Nash thoery was really interesting but I just think that at certain time we are just too busy to perform such mathematical calculations in short period of time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad we got your wiki posts sorted out at last.

    Regarding game theory, I don't think it's been suggested that we must be making conscious mathematical calculations. However, economists have assumed that somehow people do behave in a way that game theory predicts. Psychological research has suggested otherwise, however.
